Reflections on attending the Goshen MCC Relief Sale for the first time:
Yes, I have been invited to the Goshen many times and with the North American Relief Sale Board Meeting at Amigo Camp in Michigan, it happened! Through out the planning I had a number of people inform me that
I also needed to make sure I traveled and stopped at Lolly’s Quilt Shop in Shipshewana, Indiana. A question from reading the French Quilt Magazine from France, a number of issues a year are about Shipshewana. Why are the French interested in a little town in Indiana? Why does the magazine write several articles a year about the Shipshewana Mennonite Quilts? There must be more then one quilt shop in the whole Goshen/Shipshewana and why was Lolly’s continually brought up?
Friday night took me to the Goshen MCC Relief Sale as it is a 2 day event. The festive event has “Haystacks” as a Friday night favorite served by youth and enjoyed by many, to find an empty seat to eat your “Haystack” was a challenge. Even in the rain, people would walk from building to building which focused on a different issue/topic. As I entered the Quilt Building, the Mennonite Men were having a concert; and pie was available to the left. Tucked in the corner to my right, was a quilting shop but I was headed for the quilts that were hanging for viewing and auctioning on Saturday. It was interesting to see all the quilts and the names of donors I have seen at other Relief Sales, which made me smile to realize some of the quilt donors from Goshen support other sales as well. Then I realized that a number of the traditional hand quilts were from Lolly’s. That thought process was interrupted, as I rounded the end of a quilt row by someone stopping me. Ms. Brennamen recognized me as we had travelled to India in 2008 to a MCC Global Family Learning Tour. Yes, MCC’s story came full circle as I was reminded of why we have Relief Sales and the funds raised for MCC.
Leaving the building, I stopped at the quilt shop to learn it was “Lolly’s”. My question was: how could the Goshen Relief Sale have a Quilt Shop at the Relief Sale and how could it benefit MCC? I returned to the shop on Saturday always asking questions. Yes at the end of the day, I bought a quilt kit from “Lolly’s Quilt Shop”, when I finally understood the commitment by “Lolly’s”. They donate quilts, they introduce new ideas to quilters and then they donate their cost of product to MCC. As I gave her my Credit Card to pay, she couldn’t accept it, so I asked if she would take a check which she would. Then to my surprise, I had to make the check payable to MCC! Lolly’s donated to MCC the cost of my purchase as well as any normal profit they would make. What an example of commitment to other Relief Sales as the other 40 some Relief Sales across United States and Canada search for different ideas. Many Relief Sales have Quilter’s Corners and this was an interesting addition.
Marlys Wiens